Sep 20, 2008

Home Fight Club Kit

Our own little fight club at Bear Lake. The kids are working on making soap from a kit.

Sep 16, 2008

TNR Lovin'

And yes, it was good.

Men In Stitches

Hard to find much information about men cross stitching online. As a guy who stitches it's always amusing to deal with people who have assumptions about "mens" hobbies vs "womens" hobbies. I've always said cross stitching was the "manliest of the needle arts" and that really if you think about it, it's just pixels. Makes perfect sense that someone into technology would be doing something that so easily translates pixels into stitches. I will admit it's tough to find compelling content for cross stitches, but with some creativity we can all get past the teddy bears and angels.

Last night Lily noticed a framed cross stitch in our hallway that a family friend did for our wedding. When I told her the name of the woman who made it Lily said "Can girls do cross stitch too?" and then followed up by noting that apparently so, as even she herself has done some cross stitching.

Hee hee hee.

Grape Smuggler!

I just invented a new drink. I'm calling it a grape smuggler. It's Grape Crush and Mr Pibb mixed. Takes like grape crush but then it smacks you in the face with the Pibb.

We have free pop at work and sometimes you get to thinking about combinations. So I'm going to focus on that a bit. Now if only I could come up with a "banana hammock"...